martes, 3 de junio de 2014

Come into my sight...

Tenía los ojos miel, con algunas manchas verdes y lo que más me acuerdo era como dos "lunares" en sus ojos hacían su mirada inigualable e imposible de salir de ella. Enamorado de mis recuerdos, no podía dejar pasar esta ilustración. Cuando me encontraba viendo como el atardecer caía sobre Roma, una frase salió de sus labios y me dijo en inglés con un acento italiano ... "Take a picture with your eyes and keep it in your memories". Las palabras que se escucharon en el "Giardino degli Aranci" resonaron en mi cabeza hasta ahora. Pudo no haber tenido ninguna intención especial, solo algo que se le ocurrió decir, sin embargo significó tanto para mi, que es el SLOGAN de mi blog. Esta ilustración fue hecha con recuerdos, y mas con el color de aquella ciudad tan espectacular. Al principio fue pensada para mi portafolio personal, pero al final le di un significado mayor. Espero volver a tener una historia como esta, y ojalá sus ojos no hagan parte solo de mi memoria, sino que sea algo que pueda ver por siempre...

His eyes were honey-coloured with some green stains and what I most remember was how two "black spots" in the eyes made his look unique and impossible to get out of it. In love of my memories, I couldn't leave this illustration. When I was watching the sunset fell on Rome, a sentence in english with an italian accent came out from his lips... "Take a picture with your eyes and keep it in your memories". The words that were heard in the "Giardino degli Aranci" echoed in my head until now. They could not have any special intention, just something that just said, however it meant so much for me that is the SLOGAN of my blog. This illustration was made with memories, and more with the colour of that wonderful city. At beginning it was thought to be part of my personal portfolio, but at the end I gave it a bigger meaning. I wish I could have another story like this and I hope that his eyes could not be part only of my memory, but something that I could see forever...

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